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About the Author

December 27, 2008 admin 0

The image that emerges from Richard Wright’s collection of autobiographical short stories, Uncle Tom’s Children, is that of a lonely and troubled childhood. Born September […]

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December 27, 2008 admin 0

Although no specific city is mentioned, the setting resembles Chicago of the late 1930s. Wright points out the sharp contrasts between the black slum world […]

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Themes and Characters

December 27, 2008 admin 0

The central theme of Native Son is the central theme of much black American writing, the duality of black existence in the United States. Bigger […]

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Literary Qualities

December 27, 2008 admin 0

In Native Son, Wright uses the same combination of direct, naturalistic prose and symbolism that he employed in Uncle Tom’s Children. He carefully reconstructs the […]

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Social Sensitivity

December 27, 2008 admin 0

Native Son depicts a world that is psychologically and physically brutal. Wright graphically portrays the emotional trauma that his black characters suffer because of white […]